Based in Paris, Notetour is a company specialised in the booking of visual and musical projects, mainly live accompaniments to classic silent films or to recent films with few dialogues.
Films muets

LIGNE DE FRONT, duo guitar (Serge Teyssot Gay)/brushes (Paul Bloas)

Created in the summer 2010 for the Aurillac street arts festival, « Ligne de Front » is a performance that brings together the painter Paul Bloas and the guitarist Serge Teyssot-Gay (Noir Désir/Zone Libre/Interzone).

  • Saturday, 5 july 2025, La Rivière-Saint-Sauveur (14)

Paul Bloas painter has been pasting his giants made in paper over the walls of the cities in Europe and elsewhere since more than 20 years.

Serge Teyssot Gay, guitarist, is involved in multiple artistic experiences with musicians, poets, writers ...

Longtime friends, Paul and Serge have imagined a free moment, a performance that extends their common works.

The painter creates two characters, giants painted on wood, fed by the  distorsion of the guitar.

These paintings and these electric improvisations influence each other, ask questions and give answers in a sound landscape of drawn, painted and dream lines, during one hour, time for an original creation